About The Author-Dr. Geoffrey Mbuva (PhD-Finance)

Dr. Geoffrey Mbuva (PhD-Finance) brings a vast wealth of experience of over 20 years in finance, economics and business studies to Accounting Nest. He leads a team of researchers and professionals who write and review articles on this platform. The articles are clear, detailed and give real life examples with solutions explained that learners love to use in preparation for assignments and examinations. His goal is to teach millions , a feat he has achieved through this robust free online accounting tutorials center.

Some of Dr Mbuva’s credentials include:

  • PhD-Finance (University of Nairobi)
  • MBA-Finance (Kenyatta University)
  • Bachelor of Education Economics & Business Studies (Kenyatta University)
  • CPA-(K)-Certified Public Accountant of Kenya
  • ICPAK-Member

Dr Mbuva is currently working as a Finance and Accountancy lecturer and the program coordinator of the School of Business, Kenyatta University, Kitui campus, Kenya